I am simply an American. If I had to pick a color (and I don't), it'd be Purple.
My daddy told me when I was little, the only thing a person needed to get by in life was good, old-fashioned horse sense. I didn't understand, so he explained. That 'horse sense' is 'common sense'.
This I understood.
Possessing an abundance of horse sense, I am consistently astounded at what is happening in the world around me.
Traditionally, I shook my head and kept going. Lately, it's become harder and harder to do that, to ignore the whackadoodle stuff that I come across.
"What is whackadoodle?" you ask.
Urban Dictionary defines it as: 1) a 'person' not of sound mind or body; 2) a 'person' who is acting insane, bizarre or highly unusual.
Translated: Whackadoodle = Complete Lack of Horse Sense
My conscience will no longer allow me to be silent about these goings-on. If I can give voice to my observations, verbalize what others of sense are feeling and thinking, I have done my job.
What happens from here? That's entirely up to you.